5 min readDec 30, 2020


The modern diet consists of a majority of things to do on acid foods, such as meat and dairy products. Indeed, most French people do not consume enough alkaline products. Too much acidity leads to lower bone density, osteoporosis, acid reflux, kidney stones, chronic pain, changes in hormone levels, and muscle weakness. It is therefore very important to favor alkaline foods and avoid things to do on acid foods.


Strictly speaking, there is no really precise classification. However, thanks to values ​​such as the ORAC index , or the pral index.

Leafy green vegetables

All leafy green vegetables are very alkaline. This goes for spinach, lettuce, endives, chard, beet leaves, kale and so on. All of these vegetables have something in common besides being alkaline: they are sources of vitamins and minerals. By including them in your salads, smoothies or juices, you will enjoy more energy, clearer skin, better digestion and stronger bones.


Spirulina is a form of seaweed that helps raise the pH of your blood. In other words, it is highly alkaline. Adding spirulina to your daily diet will make it easier for you to maintain an alkaline diet.


Broccoli is a great food to include in your diet. Whether raw, cooked or steamed. It is rich in various vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A , vitamins B , vitamin C and K, folate, manganese and fiber. It is proven to aid digestion, the cardiovascular system, and detoxify your body. In addition, it is responsible for improving the condition of the skin, metabolism and the immune system. It is a powerful antioxidant, which means it protects against cancer and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Celery and cucumber

Celery and cucumber are high in water and are great for detoxification and hydration. Adding them to smoothies, soups or juices is always a good idea. As well as being very alkaline, they are rich in vitamin C, which is great for preventing cancer, maintaining cardiovascular health, and a strong immune system.


Garlic is very alkaline. It is often said to be a natural antibiotic. Besides being full of vitamins and minerals, it also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It improves the state of the immune system, fights bacterial and fungal infections and helps the liver to function at its best.


This vegetable is an excellent alkaline food and a premium antioxidant. It contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, E and K, manganese, folic acid, dietary fiber and potassium.

Moreover, it is very popular with people looking to lose weight because it is also one of the best effective and natural fat burners .

Sweet potato and sweet potato flour

We no longer present the sweet potato. Back very fashionable in kitchens, especially for athletes, it has 2 advantages:

  • It is one of the only starches with such a low GI (glycemic index). It is around 50–60.
  • It is a very alkaline food which makes it one of the few starchy foods to be so.

It is therefore a remarkable food. There are dozens of recipes on the Internet. Personally, I go even further because I use sweet potato flour . In my kitchen, it completely replaces wheat or buckwheat flour. This allows me, for example, to make gluten-free and much healthier cakes or pancakes.

You doubt it? Check out my favorite recipes made with sweet potato flour in another article.

Here is the flour that I use for my recipes, it is perfect: click here.

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt, or pink salt, contains over 84 minerals. This includes magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It is a great aid for digestion and can help with migraines, joint pain or fatigue.

Cider vinegar

Although it is a vinegar, this product is the only vinegar that reacts alkaline in our metabolism. As well as being a good fit for salad dressing, apple cider vinegar is high in potassium and may help lower your blood pressure, speed up digestion, and lose weight.


Avocados are not only very alkaline, they are also a great source of healthy fats. They lower cholesterol levels, they are antioxidants, protect our heart and cardiovascular health.


The alcohol

Alcohol is a very things to do on acid food, which means that it lowers the pH of your blood. This can cause serious health problems, such as kidney and liver disease, diabetes, or heart problems.


Bad news. Meat is not only high in saturated fat and cholesterol, it is also very difficult to digest. Too much acidity can cause your bones to deteriorate and your muscles to weaken. And since the heart is also a muscle, this muscle weakness can lead to relatively serious complications.


White, cane, or fructose: avoid them all to keep your pH level neutral. Besides sugar, maple and other sweet syrups should be avoided.

Dairy products

Milk, cheese, eggs and butter, like all other animal products, are things to do on acid for our metabolism. Most modern diets do not maintain the balance between things to do on acid and alkaline products, which can lead to acidosis. Acidosis is a disease that occurs when the liver and kidneys can no longer maintain a neutral blood pH. And the ubiquity of dairy products in our diet certainly plays a role.

Coffee and black tea

Coffee and black tea contain caffeine, but that’s not the main problem. The problem is, these delicious drinks are both things to do on acid in our body.

Fruit juices and sodas

Fruits contain fructose, and most fruit juices also contain sugar. The same goes for sodas, you can get a lot of sugar in them and quickly reach a low pH level.

Most fruits

Eh yes ! Most fruits are sour. Only a few fruits are not, like peach, strawberry, or melon.

The cereals

Grains should be 20% of your diet to keep your pH levels neutral. This means eating less pasta, bread, rye, oats, and buckwheat.

Processed foods

Fast food, frozen dinners, sweets, microwave meals, instant meals, canned foods, and powdered soups shouldn’t take up too much space on your menu.

No food is things to do on acid or alkaline on its own. The pH is determined during its metabolism. Whatever we choose to eat, our body must extract calories and nutrients from food and metabolize them. These foods leave a residue that determines their acidifying or alkalizing nature. This is why some foods that may seem things to do on acid are, in fact, alkaline. Certain foods with things to do on acid taste actually lower our pH when metabolized. This is the case with lemon, for example.


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